Addons by Tag

by Ratzee
If you type !time to chat the script will show you the current time and plays sounds for it.

Current Time - text and sound Details Version: v1.2
Updated:2009-03-28 07:28:04
Downloads: 9486

You are an Idiot![update] Screenshot
The most funny and worst punishement on Source!!![error fixed]

You are an Idiot![update] Details Version: 1.1.1
Updated:2008-04-12 22:31:44
Downloads: 12852

by Warren
This script will play sounds when it becomes 1v1.

1v1 Sound Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2008-06-24 00:29:50
Downloads: 17278

Round End Sounds Screenshot
by Mathmos
Round End Sounds plays a sound at round end.

Round End Sounds Details Version: 2.03
Updated:2011-05-10 11:41:02
Downloads: 35460

by Ratzee
If you injured by a grenade your screen will shake, your eyes will red, your speed will slow down and you will hear a shell shock sounds.

Grenadehit 1.1  Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-04-15 13:46:10
Downloads: 7400

by ojii
Plays an awesome sound (from HoN) when someone ragequits!

Rage Quit Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2009-11-11 18:13:23
Downloads: 10236

justAdmins is an addon to play sounds and send messages when an admin joins or leaves the server.

justAdmins Details Version: 1.0 27/12/08
Updated:2008-12-27 09:35:22
Downloads: 6034

Map End Sound & Timeleft Screenshot
by kajla
Map end sound and Timeleft in HLSW :) - Pálya végi hang és hátralévő idő kiíró HLSW-ben! :) - Multilanguage

Map End Sound & Timeleft Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-17 14:20:19
Downloads: 6629

RoundSounds [updated] Screenshot
Play music when round ends. Play event sounds when 1vs1, 1vsAll, when kill with knife, attack teamnate, suicide. Play Flawless victory

RoundSounds [updated] Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-09-24 03:24:26
Downloads: 17323

Model Disguiser Screenshot
You type !disguise and choose whatever you model you want to be disguised to admins can type !disguise and disguise anyone that has that in their name

Model Disguiser Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2007-11-08 13:18:57
Downloads: 5543

by cbirou
Permet de jouer des sons en fonction de certains evenements :)

son_fun Details Version: 4.1
Updated:2008-06-22 03:03:52
Downloads: 13117

by DoCky
messages et sons lors des dé/connections admin

admin connect Details Version: 1.3p
Updated:2008-05-09 04:51:15
Downloads: 17087

by TanaToS
Funny Round Sounds

RoundSound -- 3.1 -- TanaToS Details Version: v3
Updated:2008-01-14 17:56:24
Downloads: 9532

by Ratzee
If the bomb was defused when the c4 timer was 1sec: The server will announce who was the defuser with text and sound, The defuser will get cash [customisable]

Last Second Save [C4 defuse] Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-04-05 16:34:15
Downloads: 6575

by LosNir
Sounds addon, admin commands, fun

Losnir mod Details Version: 0.1.9 STABLE
Updated:2007-08-23 02:27:59
Downloads: 6972

sound menu Screenshot
by DoCky
menu complet pour les sons, simple d'installation et d'utilisation

sound menu Details Version: 1.3p
Updated:2008-05-14 21:31:28
Downloads: 10162

by TanaToS
They Old RoundSound from CS 1.6 AMXX new in CS:S ES

RoundSound -- 3.1 -- TanaToS Details Version: 3.1
Updated:2008-01-13 08:51:59
Downloads: 3810

by DoCky
permet de varier les sons lorsqu'une personne joint le server

welcom sounds Details Version: 1.202p
Updated:2008-07-23 07:59:20
Downloads: 15005

Provides greater assistance in managing sounds.

SoundManager Details Version: v1.0.1
Updated:2009-04-06 17:24:04
Downloads: 5428

by kingsda
Motivate both ct and t players with veteran war sounds during spawn

Spawn Motivate Sound Details Version: v 1.3
Updated:2010-05-13 23:57:36
Downloads: 4501

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